No, it isn't. He's a berserk orange bollock having a temper tantrum. I win! Bigly! Fake Everything! Sad! So here's something completely different. Turn off your radio, turn off your TV, turn off Twitter, turn off Facebook, close your laptop. Breathe in, nice and deep. Hold it a while. Now exhale, letting all your anger, worries and fears go with your breath. Repeat. Now stand up, let your arms hang loose and relaxed, then bend down from the waist. Let your arms stay nice and floppy. Now slowly, gradually, one vertebra at a time, start rising up again. Feel your back stretch and fold and slide into place. When you're standing up straight, raise your chin and look upwards. Imagine you're stretching for the sky and raise your arms, reaching out to their fullest extent. Imagine yourself as a tree in new summer light, your feet reaching deep into the earth, your fingers brushing the air. Breathe again, and expand into the moment: Make yourself as ta...
Observations, articles, politics, cycling, the odd recipe and daftness abundant.